• Platinum
  • The ECS series is a color stable film that does not change color after years. The film is made with nano technology and therefore provides high heat reduction and also IR protection.

    Short information:

    • Nano technology
    • Color stable and will not change any color
    • 100% without any metal and therefore do not interfere with radio waves
    • Lifetime warranty


Product Name Visible Light
Visible Light
Reflectance (Exterior)
UV Light
Total Solar
Energy Rejected
ECS 05 4 4,6 >99% 69
ECS 15 10.8 5.1 >99% 67
ECS 20 21 5.3 >99% 59
ECS 35 25.2 5.5 <99% 57
ECS 50 43 6 <99% 51
ECS 70 77.7 7.5 <99% 29